Tratamentul bolilor gingivale

Tratamentul bolilor gingivale în Leytonstone

Dacă sunteți în căutarea unor soluții eficiente pentru a combate bolile gingiilor, echipa noastră calificată este aici pentru a vă ajuta. Prin abordarea noastră cuprinzătoare și tehnicile avansate, ne propunem să vă restabilim sănătatea orală și să vă păstrăm zâmbetul frumos.

Înțelegerea bolii gingiilor

Ce este boala gingiilor?

Boala gingiilor, cunoscută și sub denumirea de boala parodontală, este o afecțiune inflamatorie care afectează țesuturile care susțin dinții. Începe cu acumularea plăcii bacteriene, ceea ce duce la inflamarea gingiilor și, dacă este lăsată netratată, poate progresa la stadii mai severe. Vizitele regulate la dentist și depistarea precoce sunt esențiale pentru tratamentul cu succes al bolilor gingivale.

Semne și simptome ale bolii gingivale

Este important să fii conștient de semnele și simptomele bolii gingiilor pentru a căuta un tratament în timp util. Indicațiile comune includ:

gum disease treatment leytonstone


Gingii roșii, umflate sau sensibile


Sângerarea gingiilor

Mai ales în timpul periajului sau folosirii aței dentare


Retragerea liniei gingiilor

Sau rădăcinile dinților expuse


Dinți slăbiți sau mișcați
gum disease treatment in leytonstone

Opțiuni de tratare a bolilor gingivale

Soluții eficiente de tratament:

Clinica noastră dentară oferă o gamă largă de opțiuni de tratare a bolilor gingivale, adaptate nevoilor dumneavoastră specifice. Acestea pot include:

  1. Detartrare și rindeluire a rădăcinii: O procedură de curățare profundă care îndepărtează placa și tartrul de deasupra și de sub linia gingiei.
  2. Terapie antibacteriană: medicamente sau ape de gură antimicrobiene pentru a controla creșterea bacteriilor și pentru a promova vindecarea.
  3. Întreținere parodontală: vizite regulate de urmărire pentru a monitoriza și menține sănătatea gingiilor după tratament.
  4. Intervenții chirurgicale: Cazurile avansate pot necesita proceduri chirurgicale pentru a aborda buzunarele gingiilor sau a restabili țesuturile deteriorate.

Prevenirea bolilor gingivale

Menținerea gingiilor sănătoase:

Prevenirea bolilor gingiilor începe cu bune practici de igienă orală. Iată câțiva pași esențiali pentru a menține gingiile sănătoase:

  1. Periați-vă dinții de cel puțin două ori pe zi cu o pastă de dinți cu fluor.
  2. Floss daily to remove plaque and debris from between your teeth and along the gum line.
  3. Utilizați o apă de gură antimicrobiană pentru a ajuta la reducerea activității bacteriene.
  4. Programați controale și curățări dentare regulate pentru a detecta și rezolva eventualele probleme ale bolii gingiilor.

Vizitați Medazur pentru tratamentul bolilor gingivale în Leytonstone

Programați-vă tratamentul pentru bolile gingiilor astăzi: dacă aveți nevoie de un tratament pentru bolile gingiilor în Leytonstone, stomatologii și parodontiştii noștri experimentați sunt aici pentru a vă ajuta. Contactați clinica noastră pentru a programa o intalnire și pentru a face primul pas către gingii mai sănătoase. Aveți încredere în expertiza noastră și îngrijirea personalizată pentru a vă restabili sănătatea orală și pentru a menține un zâmbet frumos.


Temporary Appointment Booking Notice

We’re currently upgrading our appointment booking system. While we work on this, please reach out to us directly at 02082790074 to schedule your appointment. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

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Fă o programare

Programați-vă Vizita Fără Efort: Completați Formularul Nostru Și Vom Lua Legătura Cu Dumneavoastră



Here at Medazur Medical Clinic we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.  This privacy notice explains why we collect, use, and disclose information which we hold about you. This notice also explains what rights you must control how we use your information.

This privacy notice is part of our commitment to ensure that we process your personal information/data fairly and lawfully.

By using this website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by (along with the Terms and Conditions and the Cookie Policy) this Privacy Policy.   

Medazur Medical Clinic Personal Data Privacy Policy sets out how Medazur Medical Clnic Ltd registered and operating at 676-678 High Road Leytonstone processes Patient’s data, including:

  1. What Patient’s data is processed by the Medazur Medical Clinic.
  2. For what purposes and on what grounds the Medazur Medical Clinic processes the Patient’s data.
  3. To whom the Patient’s data may be transferred and where from the Medazur Medical Clinic may receive the Patient’s data.
  4. Patient’s data storage periods.
  5. Patient’s rights relating to the processing of his/her personal data by the Medazur Medical Clinic.
  6. Other aspects related to the processing of the Patient’s personal data.

The patient records may be processed electronically, on paper or a mixture of both, and a combination of working practices and technology are used to ensure that your information is kept confidential and secure.

What kind of personal information we collect

We collect, store and use the following kinds of personal information:

  • your name.
  • your contact details (including postal address, telephone number, e-mail address and/or social media identity).
  • your date of birth.
  • your gender.
  • nationality and ethnicity information for monitoring purposes
  • any other personal information you provide to us.

If you visit our premises the Medazur Medical Clinic will automatically collect additional personal data including

  • Your image (and that of persons accompanying you) as recorded on our CCTV system;

For what purposes will the Medazur Medical Clinic  process the Patient’s personal data?

  • The Medazur Medical Clinic will process the Patient’s personal data in order to:
  • conclude and execute an agreement with the Patient.
  • provide healthcare services, including data transfer to laboratories, where it is necessary to carry out tests for the provision of services;
  • implement the statutory duties of the Medazur Medical Clinic, including the provision of emergency medical assistance, contacting the Patients’ GP, NHS or other healthcare providers.
  • respond to the Patients’ queries or complaints;
  • carry out the duties and rights of the Medazur Medical Clinic in relation to the use of our regulators, like the Care Quality Commission (CQC);
  • carry out the duties and rights of the Medazur Medical Clinic in relation to the use of the police and other third parties where reasonably necessary for the prevention or detection of crime.
  • administer the Patients’ feedback on provided services, respond to Patients’ inquiries that they submit by phone or e-mail, also online;
  • register the Patient with the Medazur Medical Clinic;
  • contact the Patient when it is necessary for the provision of services/performance of the agreement (for example, to inform the Patient about the test results, the payment for services, etc.) and to send appointment reminders.
  • contact the Patient for the provision of services covered by compulsory health insurance;
  • carry out direct marketing when the Patient has given his/her explicit consent.

Managing your contact preferences

We make it easy for you to tell us how you want us to communicate, in a way that suits you. If you don’t want to hear from us, that’s fine, and you can change your preferences at any time.  Just let us know

Legal basis for processing

Data protection laws mean that each use we make of personal information must have a “legal basis”.  The relevant legal bases are set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679) and in current UK data protection legislation.

How we keep your information safe

We ensure that there are appropriate technical and organisational controls (including physical, electronic and managerial measures) in place to protect your personal details.  For example our online forms are always encrypted and our network is protected and routinely monitored. 

Your Rights

Under UK data protection law, you have rights over personal information that we hold about you.  We’ve summarised these below:

When the Patient’s data is processed in violation of legal requirements, the Patient has the right to lodge a complaint with the ICO – Information Commissioner’s Office.

Right to access your personal information

You have a right to request access to the personal data that we hold about you. You also have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you, and we will provide you with this unless legal exceptions apply. 

If you want to access your information, send a description of the information you want to see

How long will the Medazur store the Patient’s personal data?

The Medazur Medical Clinic will keep Patient personal data for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Policy and to fulfil its legal obligations. This could be for 3 years up to 8 years following the end of the provision of services to the Patient, to meet legal and contractual obligations and, if necessary, to resolve any disputes. 

The Patient’s data may be stored longer in specific cases provided for by law, when a dispute or complaint is under examination, as well as when it is necessary for the technical functioning characteristics and security requirements of the Medazur Medical Clinic information system (for example, backup copies, etc.).

  At the end of the storage period, the Patient’s personal data will be deleted at or before the end of data retention period.

Changes to this policy

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time.  If we make any significant changes in the way we treat your personal information we will make this clear on the MEDAZUR MEDICAL CLINIC Website or by contacting you directly.

Contact us

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please let us know by contacting